Sunday, March 26, 2017

Flower Power

I am fortunate to live in a residential neighborhood where there are flowers in every yard. Flowers bloom at their appointed time but this time of year brings a bonanza of colors and shapes as the warming weather brings March showers and March flowers. The old nursery rhyme doesn't work anymore.

This year the flowers started, then slowed, then picked up speed and now are bursting forth everywhere.

Have a look at these flowers and feel their power to brighten your spirit and put a spring in your step.

I know flower time has sprung when the crocus says "Hi."

English Daisies don't discriminate. They grow here in Seattle too.
Don't know for sure but think this is a sweet smelling Daphne. I can smell them from 10 meters in the right breeze.

Madrona flowers just getting a good start.

Oregon Grape flowers the same.

Daffodils holding court. The judge is off to the right.

Camelias don't last long in our rainy weather.

Even wild dandelions are friendly this time of year.

I don't know the names of some but admire them just the same.


A rather spindly Azalea bringing color to its yard.

These looked sad after the last freeze but they've recuperated and are now in flower.

In a wide median not far away grow several wild plums. I need to point my camera more carefully to capture close ups.

Red-flowering currant just getting up a head of steam.

Even though Seattle is a little warm in the winter, hyacinths seem to do fine in certain micro-climates around the city.

Our area has an abundance of moss. Some people fight it but I like its laid back attitude.

A flowering weeping white cherry yesterday. The traditional flowering
cherries will soon be blooming and sending their petals on the wind.

Pansies and daffodils with tulips not far behind.

For some reason the forsythia was a little later than other flowers this year.

Even the tiny flowers are worth a look. With many sisters they form an attraction.

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