Monday, April 30, 2018

Test of Quick Posts

My blog host, Google Blogger, usually does a good job of posting my updates. Sometimes they show up live within 15 minutes but most often it takes twelve to 24 hours for them to go live.

When I was posting from Vietnam in the summer of 2015, WiFi service was available most of the time but a couple times I had to save posts until WiFi popped up. At that time, when I posted two entries within a short time,  the result was garbled posts with pics from one mixed (or completely dropped) with those of the other. Sometimes even the written dialogue was rearranged.

After that experience, I've made it a practice of waiting until a post goes live before posting another. Today I'm going to try posting this one fifteen minutes after I post another.

It might be a problem only when I post from my phone, but that's going to be my medium of choice while in Nepal so I'm trying to work out the bugs in advance. So far I've been impressed with the advances Blogger has made over the past two and one-half years so maybe the quick posting problem doesn't exist anymore. Here's hoping.

I'm going to include some photos just to make it a realistic test.
Moonfruit near our home.
 north side of the curb grows healthy moss. 

A miniature scene in moss.

Kuro's New People

Kuro's new family are taking good care of him and he has made a quick transition to being pampered by them and running with his new friend, Chewy.
Makayla loving two little dogs
Fred has a lap full of Schnauzer

We took Kuro's bed, and toys over so he could have some familiar smells. 
Kuro quickly adjusted to his new family. He enjoys the big yard and the big house. Mostly he enjoys the freedom than he didn't have in the condo.
Mention a walk and they pay close attention!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Spring Fever

Around this time of year my thoughts turn to gardens and plants. I feel a need to dig into the dirt and plant something.

This year is no different. Three or four weeks ago we bought some pots. We added one more last week. Today I decided it was time to plant something.

Ikuko and I went to the nursery and got a couple plants and some potting soil. We also got some drainage rocks and soil fabric.

Back at the condo I broke out my little shovel and started work.
Yard work at the condo
There is a nice breezeway running down the middle of the condo buildings. We catch some afternoon sun in our yard. Some of the people aren't so lucky, depending on where they are.

 Some nice condo gardens

This striking camelia is sheltered from the rain so the blooms don't rust

This maple graces our entryway
Tired out by the strenuous work I cleaned up my yard, washed my hands and took a nap.  Gardening is tiring work.
Finished for now, I'm waiting to pick up some plants from my gardening expert sister,  Darla, before planting the last pot. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Goodbye, Little Dog

When we moved away from the only house our dog knew, and took up residence with him in a condo, he was shocked but we hoped he would settle in over time.

Moving from his own fenced-in backyard with his special dog door was a big change. He learned not to bark at strange noises outside the door and he learned to walk on a leash wherever we went, but he had to beg for walks and was restricted to 3 or so walks a day. Sometimes those walks were long and exciting but sometimes they were shorter depending on available time.

When we traveled, our son took care of the little dog, but late last summer they moved across the water to the countryside not too far from Sequim. It was a ferry ride plus an hour or so drive each way to deliver and pick him up.

A few weeks ago, a niece and her family, who live in the county not too far east of us, volunteered to watch Kudo while we were on a short trip away from home. Her family has another dog (Chewy) and we weren't sure how the two would get along. They wanted to get another dog to keep Chewy company so we thought it would be good to see if the two dogs could get along.

After our trip I went to pick up Kuro. He had made friends with Chewy and niece reported that they had a good time playing together. 

Kuro was happy to see me but as I prepared to take him home, he was a little reluctant to hop into the car as he usually does. Instead he stopped at the end of the sidewalk and looked back and forth between me and the house.

We took Kuro to visit again last weekend while we were in Vancouver for Ikuko's singing recital.

This time we discussed adoption with our niece.  Her family was in favor and, although we knew we would miss him, we wanted Kuro to have a chance to live a good dog's life with a loving family, a dog buddy and more freedom to run.
Kuro exploring his new yard

New smells and new places, all off leash
Kuro and Chewy playing together. 
When we got ready to leave this time, we could see Kuro had mixed feelings.  He remembered his first family but he was happy with his new family.  As we went out the door, he stayed inside. 

We'll miss him but we want him to have a free and happy life unrestricted by life in a condo. It's nice to know we have visitation privileges and I plan to take both dogs on walks as I have time. 

Meanwhile, goodbye, little dog.  I'll miss you on my walks but wish you well in your new home.