Monday, April 30, 2018

Test of Quick Posts

My blog host, Google Blogger, usually does a good job of posting my updates. Sometimes they show up live within 15 minutes but most often it takes twelve to 24 hours for them to go live.

When I was posting from Vietnam in the summer of 2015, WiFi service was available most of the time but a couple times I had to save posts until WiFi popped up. At that time, when I posted two entries within a short time,  the result was garbled posts with pics from one mixed (or completely dropped) with those of the other. Sometimes even the written dialogue was rearranged.

After that experience, I've made it a practice of waiting until a post goes live before posting another. Today I'm going to try posting this one fifteen minutes after I post another.

It might be a problem only when I post from my phone, but that's going to be my medium of choice while in Nepal so I'm trying to work out the bugs in advance. So far I've been impressed with the advances Blogger has made over the past two and one-half years so maybe the quick posting problem doesn't exist anymore. Here's hoping.

I'm going to include some photos just to make it a realistic test.
Moonfruit near our home.
 north side of the curb grows healthy moss. 

A miniature scene in moss.

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