Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Buildings of Vancouver, BC

There are contrasting building styles in Vancouver and those styles are changing quickly. It seems like the city has as many construction cranes as Seattle.
We were up there last week and I thought I would try out my Blogger app to see how easy it was to post from my phone.
Two years ago when we spent three weeks in Vietnam and Laos it was difficult to post from my phone. Well, now it's almost two years later so I'll try it again.

This is the building where our condos are located on the 18th-23rd floors. It's located on Hornby Street just a short walk from Robson.
In the foreground is the old Murray Hotel. It's not long for this world either.

What you see above is what I was able to post from my phone. 

You notice the photos are a little rough because they have to be reduced to small size or they won't post. There are so few pixels the edges of buildings and straight lines are ragged. I'll play with that some more but I suspect the only real cure is to change out the photos later when I have access to a laptop. 
This is the same photo taken with my phone but in this copy I uploaded
it to my computer One Drive then posted from there. Note how the building edge
lower left is straight here but a little jagged in the copy above. 
It will also take some practice to get the text spaced throughout the photos where it makes sense. I think I can play with that some more and get a serviceable result but it's a lot easier composing from my laptop. 

Next spring when I head for Nepal for the trek to Everest Base Camp, I won't have a laptop with me so I need to make some more of these practice posts from my phone. Please bear with me.

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