Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rainy Day Musing

Yes, it also rains in Paradise. But that's good because rainy days encourage pondering and introspection, especially while on vacation with none of the usual mundane household tasks that compete for my attention during rainy days at home.

First an apology for the time delay between my posting an entry and when it is published by Blogger. After several years of using the app, I can say it is getting better all the time but I still don't understand why some entries take only an hour before the email notification is sent out to you subscribers when others take up to twenty-four hours. I thought it might be the number of photos, and that makes a difference but it's not the only factor. Oh well, another of the mysteries of life.

Following are some random, and some not so random, thoughts that surfaced this rainy day.

Old age. Having exceeded my allotted span of three score and ten, and rapidly approaching a full four score years, I feel privileged to be relatively healthy of body and mind and challenged to find ways to put those attributes to good use.

When I was young, my time horizon was far away. At this point in life it is much closer. Strangely enough, the pressure I feel to achieve goals seems less now than it was then. Maybe that's because I have fewer goals. Maybe it's because I'm more realistic about setting goals. Maybe it's because I've finally realized that setting goals and trying to reach them can be more rewarding that actually reaching them.

Family and friends. I've posted before about being fortunate to have siblings that actually get along together. https://hrodenbergersblog.blogspot.com/2018/12/siblings.html
Perhaps when we get older it's easier to overlook faults that would have seemed critical when we were younger. In any case, thank you, brothers and sisters, and spouses for being a good family. A special thanks to our sons and spouses for being kind to their parents.

Friends are to be treasured. 'Nuf said.

Helping others. I like to think the concept of helping others is common among people everywhere. Whether it's called the Golden Rule or Karma or some other term, it is designed to make life easier for any civilization. Those who break the Rule or the Karmic cycle do so at their own risk.

In my own case, I also like to look at it as "paying back" for those who helped me when I was younger and not so conscious of the power of helping others.

Exercising. This is a tough one for me. I know well that exercise is one of the keys to having a healthy life, old or young. The problem is motivation. People who have farms or kitchen gardens are quickly rewarded for the exercise they invest in those endeavors. The rest of us are rewarded mostly in the longer term so it takes effort to get started each time. I try to remember that "investment" in my own health whenever I try to duck out of exercise for the day.

Appreciating life. Some people are perpetually sour, others in the same situation find ways to appreciate what life deals them. Is it genes, cultural heritage, family upbringing or some other variable? Wish I knew. What I do know is that I feel better when I find things in life to enjoy instead of dwelling on things that don't go the way I want.

Politics. As I've matured I find that politics take up less of my time, even when it seems others devote more time and effort to political pursuits. I know the political outcomes I prefer and donate money and time to help achieve those outcomes, but I try not to get wrapped around the axle of daily political outrage.

Truth be known, there's not much I can do day to day that will change anything. Better for me to enjoy other parts of life and leave political involvement for those times when I might be able to make a difference.

Enough musing for this rainy day. Time to get back to enjoying this corner of Hawaii.

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