Sunday, August 15, 2021

KC in Passing

 When I'm traveling it's sometimes not so easy to get my daily walks. Where we're staying in Kansas City I've been able to get out with ease. The first day was hot and humid but since then the weather has cooperated and I've had the time, so I managed to see a lot around this part of town. Today's (8/4/21) walk is on hold until after I check in at the airport. There's always an hour or more of idle time after check in so I'll get a twofer by walking and waiting at the same time. As side benefit of walking in the airport is the assortment of interesting people on display.

Yesterday afternoon I set off at 1530. Walking down 11th Street, I came to Main where the streetcar runs so decided to walk to the end of the track down by the river. It was an interesting walk. In one spot I came across a naked girl frolicking in a fountain.

Farther into today's walk, I got some shots of whatever caught my eye. Sprinkled in are photos from preceding days' adventures.

Several streets are lined with Gingko trees. They are city friendly and tolerate heavy pruning. These trees haven't been pruned much, maybe because they are still young. In Japanese cities they are often maintained at a height of 8-10 feet. Gingkoes are known for being pollution resistant, but they are also resistant to most of the other urban pollutants, making them trees of choice as street trees for cityscapes.

Took a break from blogging after returning from KC and am just now (8/15) getting back to it. A nice walk around Edmonds reminded me of the differences I noticed while walking the two cities. More about that later.

I liked the reflection of the construction cranes. Workers were swarming all around this new building.
A park near the convention center. There is a long fountain on the side facing the Marriott but it was shut down so I didn't bother taking a photo.
Kansas City has a huge convention center. This shows one side of one of the buildings. You can just see a piece of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts beyond the pedestrian bridge, center left. 
I'm glad I wasn't staying in a building that had an exterior fire escape like this one. I walked down the stairway/fire escape from the eighth floor, where my room was in the Ambassador, but wouldn't have tried this one.
I've forgotten the name of this church. The steeple caught my eye. I don't know if it is covered with gold leaf, but it certainly glistened in the sun.
A sign near the front door was self-explanatory. As I mentioned in the last blog entry, I stayed in the new part of the hotel. The old part has many interesting quirks including antique wood trim and beautiful marble. 
The sign on this window was here today but gone tomorrow. As we were checking out, I noticed a man scraping off this sign and replacing it with a decal for the restaurant in the hotel.
I was told this is the old King City Star (newspaper) building. It's an interesting use of  shape and glass. 

This is the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. It is a remarkable building. If you are interested, here's a link to its history:

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