Monday, July 25, 2016

Politics at Our VFW Convention

Here in The Queen City we are experiencing a heat wave in the weather and another in politics.

Downtown Charlotte is a beautiful area with many modern buildings and many plaques and statues representing events of long ago. It seems there are construction sites everywhere Even the Marriott Charlotte City Center, where we're staying is being remodeled with a temporary lobby on the third floor and a "pop up" restaurant also on the third floor in what is normally one of the meeting rooms.

But back to politics.

I thought I'd use "politics" in the title of this post since that word seems to garner a lot of interest from readers in Russia. My last post, "Politics in Seattle" gathered twice as many readers from Russia as there were from The USA during the past week. Not sure what's going on there but thought I'd give it another test.

A local entrepreneur set up these tables to sell Trump items outside the Convention Center. 
Yesterday when I was at the Charlotte Convention Center I noticed an enterprising local businessman had set up a row of tables right outside where he was hawking Trump hats, shirts, etc. He was using his smart phone to take credit card payments and seemed to be doing a good business.

Today he was there again doing a brisk business after Hillary gave her speech. Just up the sidewalk there was another table with Hillary T-shirts and hats but no customers. Maybe I came by at the wrong time or maybe it's a commentary on the candidates' relative popularity at this particular time and place.

At today's joint meeting there were the usual delegates from both the VFW and our Auxiliary. In addition there were swarms of media types and lots of guests there to see Hillary Clinton as she solicited our votes.

First everyone had to stand in line to go through the security check, then stand in line to go into the hall and even stand in line to go to the bathroom.
Lines for the TSA screeners and lines for the escalators.

Mayor Jennifer Roberts welcomes the group.

While we waited for the main event Bill entertained us with a little saxophone music.
Cool music from a cool cat.

Finally we got word that Hillary's helicopter was near and she would arrive within five minutes.

As she came on stage there were a few boos, some cheers and general politeness from the delegates. Some folks sat with stony expressions, some cheered but I didn't see anyone walk out nor did I see any political signs. 

After she finished her speech she came down off the stage to press the flesh of some of her more ardent admirers who had gathered near the front of the hall. Her Secret Service guardians probably didn't worry so much when she was with the veterans but they were vigilant nonetheless.

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