Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trump in the Queen City

So today had a little different character. As I reported, yesterday was a kind of blah day whereas today had more excitement.

When I arrived at the Convention Center this morning the security lines were long and slow but I was surprised to see the hall mostly full when I walked in a few minutes after eight. By the time Trump arrived a little after nine-thirty there were probably half again as many in attendance as there were yesterday for the morning session when Hillary addressed the crowd.

We were warned twice that signs were not allowed and if displayed they would be confiscated and the holder removed from the hall. We were also admonished to stay out of the aisles and away from the front of the stage.

When Trump came in the crowd was much more animated than yesterday. There were lots of cheers and whistles. A few people sat on their hands but not as many as yesterday.

Trump's VP choice, Mike Pence, spoke first.
VP pick Mike Pence addressing the convention.
Trump spoke some from teleprompters but mostly off the cuff. When he talked about "Crooked Hillary" six or seven Black women got up and walked out so I guess not everyone was happy with his speech.

I didn't see any signs and the crowd was well behaved, about what I would expect from the demographic.

After he finished speaking, Trump went down in front of the stage and shook two or three hands and then left, in contrast to yesterday when Hillary spent at least ten minutes shaking hands and greeting fans.

When we left the convention center for lunch the young Black guy was still out front with his Trump regalia. "Only fifteen dollars," says he as I walked by. 

No sign of the Hillary table.  

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