Sept 9, 2018
We arrived in Seward about 0430. I had stepped outside about 0200 to check the weather and saw the Milky Way for the first time in a long while. What a beautiful night sky, plus more calm seas.
The Seward cruise ship terminal can handle two ships at a time but the pier is short so half the ship is tied to the pier while the other half hangs out into the bay and is secured by a couple dolphins and one long line to the pier.
A small boat harbor was nearby. Again, with a mix of commercial and sports fishing boats.
Our group is scheduled for disembarkation at 1215 so after breakfast we cleared out our room before the 0930 deadline and hung out in the public areas, Ikuko reading and doing puzzles while I drafted blog entries.
At the appointed time our group number was called and we said goodbye to the Westerdam, rode to the center of Seward and got off for some sightseeing.
Ikuko and I spent some time at time at the aquarium then walked around the beach path watching people. Fishermen fishing from the bank were catching salmon and there were plenty of campers and tents throughout the waterfront park.
At the appointed time our bus river, Margo, wheeled the big coach up to the curb and we reclaimed our seats.
On the way to our lodge, Margo told us a little local history and otherwise entertained us with stories and anecdotes.
Margo told us she was originally from New Zealand, had lived in Alaska for thirty years and is a retired pilot. She flew multi-engine freighters to supply villages and commercial endeavors in remote areas. Now she's retired and drives bus to keep busy.
We made a stop along the way at a salmon spawning creek then Margo delivered us to the Windsong Lodge about five miles out of Seward.
Windsong is well designed to accommodate the cruise ship trade. There is a main lobby near the road, a dining complex nearby and ten or twelve eight-unit bedroom buildings spaced around a large circular drive accessible to buses and baggage trucks.
While here, the Alan tour included dinner and breakfast. The dinner was a plated meal served to all 99 of the Alan people at the same time. I must say it went smoothly although there were no choices. Breakfast was buffet style and also was well managed. Quite a feat to serve so many people in a short time.
I must say this has been the most amazing weather. Even the HAL people are saying it's the best weather they've seen this year. Hope it continues for the next six days.