Friday, October 19, 2018

Wednesday at Hyakuraku-Sou

Our guide, Chiaki-san, told us that today would be an easy day so we could rest up and get over any residual jet lag. After a good Japanese "set course" breakfast we went for a cruise on the bay surrounding three sides of our hotel.
Our cruise boat loading passengers for a scenic trip around the area.
The hotel is situated on a small point projecting into the bay. This view from our cruise boat shows the hotel with the breakfast and guest fishing area on the west side. The bath is on the east side.

Both of the lower sides are served by an elevator that descends from the first floor about 30 feet. A tunnel leads off to the left to the cave bath and another tunnel leads to the right to the breakfast and fishing area.
Tunnel leading to the cave bath

Tunnel leading to the breakfast and fishing area is about 110 meters long and drops about 20 feet
from the elevator to the  cave proper. 
The cave where breakfast is served has been there for a long time but the tunnel leading to it was carved out by a 77-year old man in the late 1960's over a period of three years. The same man enlarged the cave where the bath is located and carved the tunnel leading there from the elevator. The complex of tunnels and caves is quite impressive.

After the cruise we stopped by a sake factory. The sake master is the younger daughter of the old master. She developed an interest, completed her studies and passed the test to become the new master.
Old style pots to cook rice for the sake make a difference according to the master.

 Back at the hotel we had the option to go fishing from the piers near the breakfast cave. Chiaki told us the tour would pay for cleaning and cooking any fish we caught so about half the group fished. Iko and I caught 22 of the 30 that were caught. The cook cleaned and deep fried them so they were crispy and we could even eat the bones.
Iko taking a break from hauling in fish.
After another good kaiseki dinner, we hit the rack to get a good night's sleep in preparation for another day of exploring.

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