Monday, May 21, 2018

Rinmo to Nunthala

Wednesday, May 16th

Left Rinmo at 0715 for a long hike up to the pass. At 0945 we topped out at 9,700 feet. Took a rest then down we went, dropping 2,700 feet to Nunthala at 7,020. 

Clear skies gave us some tantalizing views of the road ahead.

This old Stupa was on one of the few flat spots along the way.

This archway marked the top. More mountains in the distance.

 We passed this monastery and school. Ramesh told us about the old man who lives in the blue house (extreme left) who has summitted Everest eleven times.

Several mules trains passed, going back for another load.  In Nunthala we saw a pack train carrying propane tanks back up the trail.

The long downhill trail today was in worse condition than any we've traveled so far. The trail was broken in several places by road construction, but I think the mules must be hard on it too.

We arrived at Nunthala at 1300 at 7,020 feet. Had lunch then explored the town.  From end to end it's probably 400 yards, but there are several teahouse and I saw more trekkers here than at other stops along the way.

Mule trains went by periodically. I'm not sure trains is the right word since they aren't tethered but just seem to know where they needed to go. Most were empty but there was an occasional load. There is a mule skinner bringing up the rear who occasionally shouts commands and sometimes chucks a rock at a wayward mule.

Rain began to fall around 1900 and continued all night, loud enough at times to wake me with the roof clatter.

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